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Write your review

Your review
Ease of use
Frying result
Pros and cons

This is how you write a good review


Talk about your experience with the product in at least 1 sentence
Don't use swear words and don't be discriminatory
Only share photos of your product
Write your review in Dutch, English, French, or German


Don't include any personal information in your review
Don't mention prices or other companies
Don't post feedback about our service and delivery. Our customer service can help you best with this.
Product images
You can add JPEG, PNG, or GIF images up to 16 MB to your review.
We'll show your name next to the review

This is how you write a good review


Talk about your experience with the product in at least 1 sentence
Don't use swear words and don't be discriminatory
Only share photos of your product
Write your review in Dutch, English, French, or German


Don't include any personal information in your review
Don't mention prices or other companies
Don't post feedback about our service and delivery. Our customer service can help you best with this.
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